(Mexican Consulate I.D.) as the only form of identification necessary to open a bank account.  This is and/or aids in money laundering, tax evasion, racketeering, conspiracy, and structuring transactions to evade reporting requirement by U.S. banks.

In an effort to stop money laundering by criminals, terrorists, and drug dealers, the U.S. passed laws making it illegal to open a bank account without a Social Security number or a Taxpayer I.D. number.  An American citizen is required to have a Social Security number, and a legal resident is required to have a visa or a green card that can be used to obtain a taxpayer I.D., in order to open a legal bank account. 

Any foreign national who enters the U.S. illegally is a criminal (8 USC Sec. 1325).  It is illegal to hire (8 USC Sec. 1324A), transport and/or harbor an illegal alien (8 USC Sec. 1324).  Any money or assets that an illegal alien has is the result of criminal activity.  A Mexican illegal alien is the only person who would need a Matricula Consular to open a bank account.  An American citizen or a legal resident has the necessary legal documentation to open a bank account.

If a bank and/or its employee accept the Matricula Consular without the person providing proper legal identification and a Social Security number or a Taxpayer I.D. number to open a bank account, the bank and/or its employee are engaging in and/or aiding in money laundering (18 USC Sec. 1956), tax evasion (26 USC Sec. 7201), racketeering (18 USC Sec. 1962), conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government (18 USC Sec. 371), and structuring transactions to evade reporting requirements (31 USC Sec. 5324). 

If a bank and/or its employee engage in any of these illegal activities, they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 

LA announced it would also accept the Matricula Consular as a legal form of identification.  If a person is in the U.S. illegally, no form of I.D. can change his legal status.

The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution not only guarantees that all people be granted equal protection under the law, it also requires that all laws be enforced equally.  If a city or its employees accept Matricula Consular as a legal form of identification for a Mexican illegal alien, the city is selectively enforcing the laws based on nationality and legal status.  They are also discriminating against, based on nationality, illegal aliens from countries other than Mexico, if the city fails to accept a Consulate I.D. from other countries.

If cities are allowed to accept Matricula Consular as a legal form of identification for a Mexican illegal alien, they are creating a class of people, in the U.S., that are exempt from the law and therefore above the law.  This creates a Constitutional Crisis.  If the elected officials of a city vote to accept Matricula Consular as a legal form of identification for Mexican illegal aliens, all Federal funds should be withheld from that city and the elected officials should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Councilman Dennis Zine responds to writer: (in red)

Mr.  Name Withheld

Thank You for the information.  I will pass it along to our city attorney to see what can be done to gain compliance....

Councilman Dennis P.  Zine


Hal Netkin comments to Councilman Dennis Zine (below in green),

Dear Councilman Zine:

I'm disappointed that an ex-cop like yourself, was one of the 14 council persons who voted for the L.A. City's acceptance of the Mexican ID. (Hal Bernson was the only councilman to vote against this madness). I wonder if you checked with the City Attorney Delgadillo on the IDs before you voted for them, and with Attorney General Ashcroft for a second opinion.

Hal Netkin for New Valley City Council 11
Tel 818-989-3043
Fax 818-989-1905


Dennis Zine Responds (in red)

At 04:33 PM 6/26/2002, you wrote:
Mr.  Netkin:

I received your distorted E-Mail on my council vote on the I.D. Cards. The project is for 6 months and fully supported by the LAPD.  It is very important for officers to establish I.D. on suspects so they can do their job. I know from my 33 years of LAPD experience what programs work and assist officers in doing their job.  The I.D. cards will assist officers in doing the job of protecting you and others. You need to educate yourself more fully on the issues before you send out negative E-Mails on me and others.

Councilman Dennis P.  Zine
Hal Netkin answers (in green)

Dear Mr. Zine:

Some people have 33 years experience and some people have one year experience 33 time. You fall into the latter.

I never miss an opportunity when I see LAPD officers at a stop light or having lunch, to thank them for the job they're trying to do. But I can't say the same for the LAPD's leadership. Whenever I do stop to talk to the rank-and-file officers, I also ask them about policies like Special Order 40, driver's licenses for illegals, and IDs for illegals. Most agree that these kind or policies put the handcuffs on them instead of on the criminals. One day, you should disguise yourself as a common man-on-the-street and talk to officers. While they won't blow the whistle to the council members or the media, they sure let it out to us common folks. And that goes for all officers, white, black, and brown.

What criminals have learned from our criminal friendly leaders like yourself, is that they can change the law by breaking the law. By officially recognizing Mexican IDs as legitimate, even if only for 6 months, you are either in a deep state of denial about the outcome, or you are suffering from an acute case of naivete.

Don't you know that anyone can buy any kind of false document on Alvarado street. At least any LAPD officer can quickly determine the validity of a false California Driver's license. But now you are going to recognize unverifiable Mexican IDs. Don't you know that it won't be long before Salvadorans, Guatelmalans, South Americans, Haitians, Canadians, Norwegians... will accuse you of discriminating and also want you to recognize IDs from their respective countries?

Tell me Mr. Zine, how in the heck are you going to do a "make" to know if a suspect with a Mexican ID is a wanted fugitive? Is the LAPD going to have a database link with the corrupt Mexican government? Or maybe each LAPD officer can be supplied with a cell phone so they can personally verify the information on suspects.

And of course since the LAPD does not profile, they will have to recognize forged Mexican ID's presented by blond haired, blue eyed suspects.

Don't you know that according to the September 13, 2001, on-line issue of World Net Daily, Mexico's own National Security Adviser Adolfo Aguilar Zinser made the sensational announcement that Islamic terrorist organizations already have a presence along the U.S. border and may be making contacts with Mexican guerrilla groups -- and you want to make it easy for them.

I acknowledge that the vast majority of undocumented immigrants are not hard core criminals, but your policy will allow a few rotten apples (it only took 19 on 9/11) to slip through the LAPD's fingers.

Moreover, you don't represent the LAPD now. You represent your constituency (of all colors and ethnic makeup) in your district. I'll make you a bet that if you held a plebiscite on this issue, your constituency would be so outraged, that they would want you recalled.

Since I am running for the New Valley District 11 and you will probably run for the New Valley District 10, and there will be no incumbents to debate, we can debate each other and let the people decide who's right on this issue. What do you say?

Hal Netkin for New Valley City Council 11
Tel 818-989-3043
Fax 818-989-1905

A concerned citizen (not me) sent the following message to Councilman Dennis Zine (below in blue) with a copy to me on June 26, 2002.
Disclaimer: I do not necessarily agree with all of its points.

Matricula Consular and the Creation of a Constitutional Crisis Recently, several United States banks announced they would accept the Matricula Consular
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July 7, 2002 (Followup Email sent to Councilman Dennis Zine)

Dear Dennis:

In my email message to you of June 26, 2002, I criticized you for voting on behalf of L.A. to officially recognize Mexican ID Cards (Metricular Consular) for illegal immigrants. One paragraph in that email reads like this:

Don't you know that anyone can buy any kind of false document on Alvarado street. At least any LAPD officer can quickly determine the validity of a false California Driver's license. But now you are going to recognize unverifiable Mexican IDs. Don't you know that it won't be long before Salvadoran's, Guatemalans, South Americans, Haitians, Canadians, Norwegians... will accuse you of discriminating and also want you to recognize IDs from their respective countries?

It didn't take 33 years experience or special training to have predicted that illegal immigrants from all other nationalities would want to get on the band wagon so they too could enjoy the benefits of sham IDs.

Here is some news confirming my no-brainer prediction.


Mexico has issued metricular consular identification cards for its citizens living abroad, and many municipalities and banks have accepted them.  Now Guatemala plans to issue a similar card to its citizens.  National Public Radio reports that Guatemala's Los Angeles Consulate announced the Guatelalan congress has approved a "tarjeta de identificacion consular".

Consul General Fernando Castillo told reporters you can't get Guatemalans consular identification card yet because the government still has to set up application procedures.  When that happens, Castillo said you'll need to show a Guatemalan birth certificate and passport, or a national identity card issued in Guatemala.

Census Bureau figures show 380,000 Guatelalans in the U.S. , but Castillo himself says it's more like a million.

Now how is the LAPD officer going to verify the ID? Call the ID number into LAPD headquarters for a "Make?" Or maybe call the Mexican Consulate (they should have provided an 800 number on the ID card)? And if the LAPD Officer did call the Mexican Consulate with the cell phone they will be supplied with, what will the clerk at the Mexican Consolate say? "Yup, he's a Mexican all right."

You can expect other countries that supply us with illegal immigrants to follow suit. It may be too late to withdraw your vote for the ID's -- and you probably wouldn't do it anyway because it might look like I had some influence on you. But when the six month test period is over, maybe you will come to your senses and nix the unverifiable sham IDs.

Something else you didn't think of: The Mexican Consulate charges $30.00 for the sham IDs, which would net Mexico's politicians millions of dollars if they were competative. The problem is (for Mexico) that the IDs are now available on Alvarado Street for $25.00 -- and there's no big line in which to wait. Since neither the IDs purchased at the Consulate nor the IDs purchased on Alvarado Street are verifiable, the Alvarado ID is a much better deal.

Hal Netkin for New Valley City Council 11
Tel 818-989-3043
Fax 818-989-1905

Click here for "Question Freguently asked by Ilegal Alien Criminal"  (Satire)